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Palmer Course Hole No. 11

Gold 345 Yards, Blue 324 Yards, Silver 300 Yards, White 283 Yards, Red 266 Yards

At least the Palmer course does not have back to back monsters in its layout. Except for holes eight and nine. Four and five. Six and seven. Never mind,

Eleven is a rest hole. Any half decent drive into the reasonably roomy fairway will clear the 150 yard marker and will let a medium or short iron or the now universally popular hybrid club into wide green with enough depth to hold any shot from the fairway over the one front bunker.

The best entry to the green is from the left side, that is why there are three bunkers stationed there to keep long drivers honest. The right side is strictly off limits. There is a steep fall-off all along the right, with an out-of-bounds fence all the way to the side of the green, and near-impossible sidehill stances to any shot to unluckily end there.

This is a gift hole, just don’t count your birdies until they hatch.